As final assignment for the Marketing Communication module in my first year of my bachelor, I wrote about Tostsee, the see-through toaster.

What is Tostsee?

Tostsee example

Tostsee is a fictional see-through toaster specially designed for grilled cheese fans. The product is made of GLS. This ensures the sandwich to be heated properly. Because our product is transparent, you can keep an eye out for bread burns as well.

It has interchangeable elements. Which allows you to make sandwiches, but you can also use it as a grill or waffle maker.

The idea behind this is that we now can prevent people from burning their toast.


Which elements did I describe?

We made a report that contains the following elements;

  • Market analyses
  • Target groups
  • Marketing strategy
  • Business goals for each target group
  • Creative application
  • Associated budget
  • Implementation plan

What did I learn?

This project was a nice way to come into contact with the elements necessary to write a marketing communication plan. I learned to appreciate the work that goes into making a communications plan. I learned that planning such a project is essential and that not every group member will do an equal amount of work.