As part of my Master, my team and I made a presentation about Reputation Management. In which we talked about Astroturfing, measuring reputation and more.

An hands-on approach

This assignment was an hands-on approach to learning about Reputation Management. Usually in school, you learn the theory from books. Not this class. We were all tasked with a topic based on crisis communication. Each task was different, but the goal was the same. Teach your peers about the topic.

Why was this effective?

I found this approach way more effective then just learning out of a textbook. Why? Because you are forced to learn as much of the topic as possible. The more effort you put in, the less likely you are to make a fool out of yourself whilst presenting. And I am terrified of presenting, which made me more eager to learn.

Lessons learned

I've personally learned a lot about reputation management by making a presentation. I never knew what AstroTurfing was, now I do. I also have a little insight on how companies 'measure' their reputation, which is always handy. And once again the importance of communication is a key. Which basically confirms that my Bachelor and Masters are useful. I wanted to share this on my website to hopefully let you learn something as well. 

If you want the script with the presentation, feel free to contact me through my contact form or through LinkedIn!