As you might have guessed from my website URL, my name is Emma Diederik. I am a digital marketing consultant with a background in international communication and culture. With my expertise and passion, I hope to bring people together.

I love travelling and exploring new places. This is shown by having lived in the Netherlands, China, England and Italy. I am currently living in Leuven, Belgium. Here, I spend my time reading, playing guitar and binge-watching Netflix. When the weather is nice, you can find me walking in a local park trying to pet dogs.

Having Dutch roots, one of my character flaws is Dutch rudeness. But my rudeness comes with the best intentions. I am a hard and no-nonsense worker, who is always happy to help. I will say that you are wrong or if I do not agree with you, but everything is well substantiated.

With only two and a half years of experience under my belt, I can say that I am eager to learn more in the digital field. My current interests are project and change management, and my specialities are social media and content marketing. But my real love within the digital marketing field is creating connections. From connections between my clients and their goals, connections between digital channels and most of all connections between consumer and product. I am happiest if I have made a client happy by helping them fix a problem.

Currently, I am a digital marketing consultant at minds&more since 2021, where I have had the opportunity to work as digital channel manager and internal communications consultant for Janssen EMEA.

How can I help you?
