Hi everybody, thank you for continuing to read my work. The last Master blog was about me trying to adjust in yet another new country. But for today I wanted to focus more on my thesis.

A lot has changed since I last updated you about my thesis. (Which is logical since the last time I talked about my thesis was in August). I finished my draft version last week and it is now up for review with the commission board. I will get some feedback later this week. So what are the next steps?

Getting more supervisors

Having one supervisor is obviously not enough because I am a pain to handle (kidding). No, that is not true haha. I will receive two additional supervisors in the upcoming week and that has something to do with me doing a Triple Masters.

Because I am studying at three different universities, the standard for a thesis or dissertation is different. At the moment I have an amazing supervisor from the IULM University in Milan, but I also need to hand in my thesis at Leeds Beckett University and Vilnius University. Because all uni’s are different, I will receive supervisors from each university ensuring I will pass their requirements.

Therefore, I am waiting to get a supervisor from Vilnius University and Leeds Beckett University.

Adjusting my dissertation/thesis

As already mentioned, each uni has different requirements for a Masters dissertation/thesis. Therefore, I will have to spend the next few weeks creating three versions of my thesis ensuring I will pass in each university.

This means creating three different layouts, changing the wording and putting the sources in Harvard style as well as in APA style. It is a lot of work, but you don’t get an triple degree for nothing.

Receiving a definitive pass or go

The real deadline for my final version of my thesis is on the 7th of December, after which the universities will determine whether I passed my dissertation or not. I will receive this information just before christmas so I will either celebrate by stuffing myself with delicious food or comfort myself with delicious food. But I will keep you guys updated on my results, so you can either comfort me or celebrate with me 🙂

Defend my dissertation/thesis (with my life)

If I receive a go on my dissertation/thesis I will have to defend it through an online meeting with the examination board in one of the first weeks in January. In which I will defend my research on validity, necessity and many more elements. I will then either receive word that it is enough to graduate or I have to redo my dissertation/thesis in the next year. So let’s all hope for a positive outcome.

If you have more questions about the process of a Triple Masters feel free to contact me at any time! Thank you for reading and hopefully until next time 🙂