It has been about a month since I last posted on my website, but a lot of things have changed for me. I moved to Belgium, been busy with my thesis but there are some new things as well. I recently joined AIESEC in Leuven as Team Leader OGX (or Outgoing Exchange). Today I am going to update you on this journey.

AIESEC (in Leuven)

AIESEC is a non governmental organisation (NGO). It strives to enable young people to develop their leadership skills through international volunteering and internships. We believes that leadership can be developed in everybody and I totally stand behind that message.

The volunteering and internship opportunity at AIESEC are very affordable. AIESEC members go above and beyond to make sure you as participant have the best experience. We make sure that during your time abroad you can develop yourself both professionally and personally. We are here every step of the way to help you work towards your goal.

Why did I join?

AIESEC was brought to my attention by a friend who is the current LCP (local committee president) in Gent. We had a discussion about me being very worried about connecting with people during the pandemic. Also because I don’t work or study in Leuven, I don’t meet new people. He suggested I look into AIESEC. My love of travel and communications would make this a perfect fit.

AIESEC is a volunteer based organisation, which means that I am volunteering. I freely donate my time because I really believe in their cause.
As a traveller myself, I know that a change to go abroad can be life changing. I really feel like everybody should get that opportunity at least once in their life.

When I went for the interview, I felt that there was a lot at AIESEC in Leuven that I could help develop. Therefore, I was excited to get a call that they would love to have me join their team. Not only would I be a member at AIESEC, but they asked me to become team leader right away. Of course I accepted their offer.

Being a Team Leader (TL)

I am now currently a team leader (TL) at the OGX track of AIESEC. This means that I am responsible for a team of two people. Our job is to help applicants apply for their favorite opportunity and guide them through the whole process. We help them pick a opportunity based on their desires and skillset. We also help with application and help with reïntergration once they are back in Belgium.

Besides helping exchange participants (EPs) I am also responsible for the following things:

  • Helping my team members fulfill their jobs,
  • Helping my members with their personal and professional goals
  • Implement strategies
  • Helping with the strategies and content for info sessions
  • Tracking team standards
  • Track productivity and performance
  • Manage Supply and Demand according to local and national international relationship strategies
  • Ensure all leads are covered within 48 hours

My impression so far

I love working for AIESEC in Leuven. My team is really great and I get motivated by talking with them. I love the new things I learn and the responsibilities I get. For example, in my second week at AIESEC I had to assist with the onboarding for new members within my track. So even though I am a newbie myself, I needed to teach newbies about AIESEC. That is an amazing challenge and I feel honored I have their trust to do so.

Last weekend there was an AIESEC in Belgium conference, where I got to meet other people who are volunteering for AIESEC. It was amazing and energizing to see so many people fighting for the same thing as I.

I am excited to what the future will bring!