Lots has changed over the past year. Not everyone might feel this way but I think the world is changing for the better. We are finally starting to talk about the things we usually shy away from.

Black Lives Matter movement

Even though the Black Lives Matter movement started in July 2013 in the USA, it became an international movement during the global George Floyd protests in 2020. The Black Lives Matter movement are advocating for racial justice. Their most known aim is to promote policy reforms and end police brutality.

Their movement forced the world and everyone watching to listen to them. To not be ignored.


Since the BLM movement, some companies have taken their company policies under a loop. Some big companies such as Reddit came up with a stricter ban on hate speech and harassment.

In the Netherland for example, there has been a conflict about our national holiday Sinterklaas being offensive to people of colour. Since the BLM movement the government has changed its policies on the holiday.

Applauding for medical staff

At the beginning of March, videos of Spanish and Italian residents clapping went viral. With Italy being the first country hit harshly by the COVID-19 virus, they went into lockdown. People had to stay at home, only health personnel and people with essential jobs were allowed to go to work.

To show gratitude for the people working in the health sector, showing up to work despite the danger of getting sick themselves, all across Italy and Spain people went to their balcony and started clapping. And soon other countries followed.

It quickly became clear how essential some jobs are to keep the world going. This movement gave these low paid and underappreciated workers the recognition they deserve. This experience was also a bonding moment for neighbourhoods creating new bonds and connections.

Even though the clapping didn’t last long, it sparked hope for those who sat at home not being able to do anything and for those who were out there working with a chance to get infected.

Work habit changes

With the world being in lockdown, work started to migrate to online activities. Sure, in the beginning it was very difficult to start a Zoom or Skype meeting, but I bet now you are used to it. Personally, I hate working from home. I feel like I am more productive in the office, but I learned to change my working habit in a positive way. But some people discovered the magical world of working from home and might want to pick it up after things go back to normal (whenever that is).

Because people had to work from home, they proved that you don’t always have to be at the office to get your work done. Some companies started to realize this. And have therefore changed their working policies allowing certain people to work from home more often.

Cleaner air and water

During the lockdown in China, there was a decrease in nitrogen dioxide pollution in the big cities like Beijing and Wuhan. With factories closing because of the lockdown, they also closed down production. This meant no / less pollution. Images from European Space Agency (ESA) showed a major reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions in all major Chinese cities between December 2019 and March 2020! Other countries that showed reduction of emissions are France and India.

The Venice canals in Italy also showed some chance. Usually being full with boats and gondolas, the water started to become more and more clear during the Italian lockdown. There were also signs of fish returning to the once fishless waters.

Other positive changes

Internet improving / more entertainment

With people being stuck inside during the lockdown, people wanted to entertain themselves. And what better way to entertain yourself then to watch something on Netflix, or stalk everybody on social media. In conclusion, Internet usage increased a lot during the lockdowns. Therefore, big Internet companies such as Netflix decided to install more servers. Some phone companies cut data caps and made mobile packages cheaper of free.

People getting more in touch with their family

According to an Australian study, people have (video) called their friends or family a lot more during the lockdowns.


As you can read, the pandemic and lockdown have not only had negative effects, but positive ones as well. It is great people talk and think more about thinks they usually don’t think or talk about. It is a great start. But I feel like there are certain elements and stigmas that have not been (adequately) talked about. And I like to change that. In my next blog I will be talking about them from my perspective. So stay tuned!