As already mentioned in my previous blog I am now taking a French course. So, bonjour je m’appelle Emma!

My choice

Some of you might know that I’ve had French as a course in highschool. As a teenager, I never was really into languages. Only for the last three years culture and languages really call to me.

So it might not come to a surprise that I was bad at French, which means I was in need of a refresher.

My class

I have joined the F1 speed course class at the CLT in Leuven. My class is a very international class with people from China, Italy, Brazile and many more.

My motivation

The first class was really nice. It had a lot of interaction and the teacher is really motivated to get everyone involved. Even though she only speaks French, it works.

So for now, I am really excited for next week.

Au revoir!

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