All over the world, schools have started or are starting in the month of September. Are you lucky enough to attend classes physically, or is your school year going to take place mainly online? I have one questions for you: how do you make new social contacts?

Unique year

Depending on where you go to school and in which country, school has started. Whether you have had your first lessons already or are still celebrating freedom, this school year is going to be unique.

As a Master student, working on her thesis, I didn’t really have summer vacation. Which is probably why I don’t feel like this week is the start of the new school year. But I did recently move to a student city, and with my boyfriend going back to school tomorrow, I do feel like some change.

My worries

From being at home with my family in the Netherlands since last March, to now living together with the boyfriend in Leuven, Belgium, lots has changed. I am mostly worried about making social contacts since COVID makes it a little harder to connect.

Besides working on my Master thesis, I also enrolled in a French language course. I want to take the course to up my French and also to make new friends and hopefully give a boast to my CV.

Do you have any tips on how to make new friends in a new city/country? Let me know! The best tip will get a free drink 🙂