For those of you who know me a little, know I am a bibliophile. I just love books! So when I saw a marketing internship opening I immediately applied for it.

Applying early

For those of you who never been to my site, or don’t know me, here is some background information: I spend the beginning of my final year in China. This means that whilst I was applying for my thesis internship, I had to deal with the blockage of website from the Chinese government.

Because of my difficult Internet situation, I needed more time to apply as usual. Therefore, I started to apply for internships, starting in February 2019, in October 2018.

Struggling with interviews

After a week, I got a reply on my job application at the publisher mentioned in the beginning of this blog. They were interested in hiring me, and since I could not casually fly back to the Netherlands for a day, they wanted to do an online job interview.

As already mentioned, the Internet situation in China is a little different then I am used to. So when I had a job interview through a WhatsApp video call, it went horribly wrong.

The call would not connect. The connection was slow. And when we finally saw each others faces, the frame froze constantly. Eventually we decided to move on through normal calling on WhatsApp. Which worked better!

I was in!

After all the disasters during the interview, I really expected to not get the job. This was also due to the fact that the interviewer told me that there were multiple applicants to the job.

But two days later I received an email in which they congratulated me with getting the position. This was two days ago and I am beyond excited to get to work!

Where am I going to work?

I get that some of you might be curious as to which publisher I am going to work for. The answer: KokBoekencentrum publishers based in Utrecht, the Netherlands.