I needed to compare different CMS systems for Phone24. This was a part of my assignment for the module.

What was the goal?

The goal of this assignment was to get to know all the different CMS systems. Instead of learning the facts about them all, the class took a practical approach.

All of us were assigned a fictional company who wanted to use a CMS system. It was our job to find the right system for their needs.

What where the requirements?

Phone24 had the following requirements;

  • Payment option
  • Search possibility
  • Interface in Dutch
  • Possibility to post comments
  • Possibility to compare products
  • Selection to filter products
  • Possibility to view details on the phone
  • Possibility to share the product through social media

What was the result?

After conducting lots of research, a selection of eight CMS systems was made. The eight were selected since they met the customer’s requirements. Extensive research was done into the functions of the systems. This resulted in a top three. The top three are then compared based on the requirements of the customer.

Of the three systems (Prestashop, Opencart and nopCommerce) Prestashop came out on top. The system meets the most requirements of the customer and is also the cheapest to use. Prestashop is the recommendation to the customer.

What did I learn?

Thinking only WordPress and Joomla exist as CMS systems, I am surprised to see I was wrong. It is also interesting to see that different systems have different functions. Not all systems are doing the same thing. In my opinion, learning about CMS in a practical way was more useful then learning all the facts and taking an exam.

Categories: Bachelor