In my previous blog I wrote about meeting new friends and getting lost at a campus tour. For today I am going to write about something that really blew my mind; the opening ceremony to celebrate the start of a new year at the Beijing University of Technology.

McDonald’s is considered a luxury food item

It is already day 10 of my China adventure and after snoozing my alarm three times, I finally stepped out of bed and into the shower around 6:30 AM to try and get ready and in my uniform before the meet-up started at 7:00 AM.

Luckily, breakfast would be provided by the school as to compensate for us having to wake up so early. Our breakfast however was a bit weird. We got actual burgers from McDonald’s as breakfast. Which as it turns out, is a real delicacy here in China.

Uniform time

After breakfast we were all handed a special Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) College of International Education (CIE) polo which served as our uniform and we headed to the Olympic stadium around 7:45 AM for the ceremony.

The ceremony

I can write a lot about the ceremony, but I find it that images and video’s explain it better. So here are a few video’s taken that day!

In my next blog, I will take you with me on a tour to the Hongqiao market and the Temple of Heaven.

Categories: Blogs