So in my last blog post I talked about a beautiful park and my super exciting (read boring) experiences with registration. For today I am going to talk about the new friends I made.

Day seven – Accidentally meeting new friends

So after doing yet more administrative stuff in the morning, I needed the afternoon for myself (read: I fell asleep). I woke up and headed straight for the Wi-Fi area for some overdue social media time (yes you can go on social media in China if you have a VPN). Whilst I was chilling, I heard some people talk about movies and TV-shows that I really loved so I did what anyone would do, I engaged in the conversation.

The group consisted of Tim (German), Ben (Irish) and Kimberley (American). We had one of the most amazing talks, with some heated arguments and we all had so much fun we didn’t notice that it was already 2 o’clock at night. Eventually we all went to bed since we needed to wake up early the next morning for a campus tour.

Day eight – Campus Tour

Unfortunately, I was not placed in the same tour group as any of my friends I made the night before. But during the tour I did meet Elli, a really sweet German girl. After getting lost during the tour (we were so impressed by the size of the exercise courts) we headed back to our dorm for a round of card games.

What did I learn?

So quick recap from what I learned the past few days:

  • There is a lot of administration you have to do once you arrived in China,
  • The Beijing University of Technology has a huge campus and you can easily get lost so always pay attention to the tourguide,
  • Do not be afraid to add yourself in a conversation if you want to make friends,
  • For being a school for technology the Beijing University of Technology has a lot of sport areas.

In my next blog I will give a detailed description on the opening ceremony!