In my previous post I explained Richard Bartle‘s Player Type model and their use in gamification. Today I am going to talk about three steps to determine which elements should enter your gamified system.

The final phase

We are coming to an end on this little blog series about gamification. In this final phase elements that will be in your gamified system are determined. I divided the techniques into three steps:


The Dynamics are these are the hidden elements in a game of the system, this includes the storyline, the progress and the relationships. Those elements make sure your project stays interesting for the players.


This is an elaboration of the chosen dynamics, one or more mechanisms can be used for each dynamic element. Competition, cooperation, feedback and rewards are examples of mechanisms.

These mechanisms will speak to the players. For example in competition, you let players compete with each other. This will speak to the killer type. Cooperation will speak to the socializers.


Components are specific elaborations of the elements chosen in the previous steps. Examples include teams, levels, points, badges and quests.

Players are rewarded for their completed assignments. This will give more stimulation to the players, as already mentioned in the previous blogs.

All these previously mentioned elements are the start of creating a gamification element for your company.

So why would I use it?

Now that we have talked about what gamification is and how which steps you need to follow. But why would you use it? Therefore, I will talk more about benefits and disadvantages in my next blog.

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