My twin and I have a little birthday tradition, each year on our birthday we will go out to eat with the family. But we are both terrible at choosing the restaurant. Which is why we rotate each year. And on our Sweet Sixteen dinner we went for dinner and we both got home with a job.

Huh, what? No way!

Yes, I know what you are thinking. But it is true. We went out for dinner with the family and started talking about getting jobs since we were now old enough for a little job. I mentioned that I was interested in working in restaurants since I loved the atmosphere. My ideal job would be working in the restaurant we were currently eating; ‘t Vliegend Paard (translation: the flying horse).

Accidental birthday present

As we were discussing our future possibilities, the manager of the restaurant was walking by. I bluntly told her that I just turned 16 and was interested in maybe working for the restaurant.

She said she liked my spirit and she gave me a form to fill in and said that I could swing by later that week to get a tour around the kitchen. Then we would determine whether I could be their new dishwasher. Which, spoiler alert, I nailed and I have worked there for six months before I had to quit due to a broken wrist.

What I learned?

From this job, I learned to multitask. I also learned to plan ahead. With all the dishes mostly coming to me at the same time, and not enough space, I had to multitask.

The experience came in handy once I started projects in my bachelor! Who knew that little jobs are useful 🙂