Nice to meet you! First of all, let me introduce myself name is Emma.

I am a digital marketing consultant at minds&more since 2021. At minds&more, I have had the opportunity to work as digital channel manager for the external communications team of Janssen EMEA as well as an internal communications consultant within the Janssen EMEA internal team.

With two and a half years of experience under my belt, I can say that I am eager to learn more in the digital field. My current interests are project and change management, and my specialities are social media and content marketing. But my real love within the digital marketing field is creating connections. Connections between my clients and their goals, connections between digital channels, connections between campaigns but most of all connections between consumer and product. I am happiest if I have made a client happy by helping them fix a problem.

How can I help you?

My portfolio

No is not a gendered word

No is not a gendered word. People seem to think that only woman can be raped, but male sexual violence exists. Males can say no too.